We invite you to discuss this in our Discord channel with the 444 community. Every month, we will have panel talks with experts on each of the 12 areas of health.
We are now, together, creating what are not questionable guidelines to extend your health span, improve your body and, while living a happy and fulfilling life. The below protocol is revised weekly based on your inputs,feedbacks, and the latest scientific findings.

1. Move daily for at least 30 minutes (walking, stretching, or exercising).

2. Focus on functional movements that support mobility and strength.

3. Incorporate balance and flexibility exercises.

4. Take regular breaks from sitting; stand or stretch every hour.


1. Eat whole, minimally processed foods.

2. Prioritize vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, and healthy fats.

3. Stay hydrated—drink water consistently throughout the day.

4. Limit sugar, refined carbs, and unhealthy fats.


1. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night.

2. Practice active recovery (light movement, stretching) after intense exercise.

3. Take rest days to prevent burnout and overtraining.

4. Incorporate relaxation techniques (breathing exercises, meditation).


1. Set aside time daily for personal reflection or relaxation.

2. Prioritize mental health through mindfulness or journaling.

3. Establish healthy boundaries to manage stress.

4. Regularly do activities that bring you joy and replenish your energy.


1. Learn something new every day—read, listen, or observe.

2. Challenge your mind with puzzles, problems, or discussions.

3. Practice mindfulness to improve focus and attention.

4. Stay curious—ask questions and seek understanding.


1. Engage in creative activities (writing, drawing, music) regularly.

2. Embrace imperfection and experimentation.

3. Set aside unstructured time for play and imagination.

4. Surround yourself with inspiration and new experiences.


1. Listen actively to others without judgment

2. Practice seeing situations from others’ perspectives.

3. Be mindful of your reactions and offer compassion.

4. Strengthen relationships by showing gratitude and understanding.


1. Embrace change as a natural part of life.

2. Stay open-minded and flexible in problem-solving.

3. Focus on solutions rather than problems.

4. Learn from setbacks and adjust your approach accordingly.


1. Nurture relationships by regularly communicating with loved ones.

2. Practice vulnerability—share openly and authentically.

3. Spend time in communities that support and uplift you.

4. Offer help and seek help when needed.

4.3.2 RHYTHM

1. Establish consistent daily routines for sleep, work, and meals.

2. Align activities with natural energy cycles (e.g., morning exercise).

3. Take breaks to reset during long tasks or work.

4. Balance work, rest, and play to maintain harmony.


1. Focus on the task at hand—eliminate distractions.

2. Practice mindfulness to stay grounded in the moment.

3. Engage in deep, meaningful conversations with full attention.

4. Observe your surroundings and appreciate small details.


1. Define your personal values and align your actions with them.

2. Set meaningful goals that inspire and motivate you.

3. Reflect regularly on your progress and adjust your path as needed.

4. Contribute to causes or communities that resonate with your purpose.