Welcome {{USER_ID}}
444 is a community based on trust + esteem. Our aim is to bring together like-minded individuals who share common values and a dedication to take their health to superior levels.

Training frequency
 / 7 days
How often do you engage
in physical activities per week?:
Sleep Quality
 / 10 hours
How many hours do you
sleep on average per night?
Stress Levels
 / 5 level
Rate your stress levels on a scale 1 to 5
Self-care Practices
 / 8 hours
How many hours per week
do you spend on self care
Frequency of Engaging in Creative Activities
 / 8 hours
How many hours per week do you spend
engaging in creative activities?
Community Service Involvement
 / 7 days
How often do you engage in Community
Service Involvement per week?
Response to Change or Uncertainty
 / 5 level
Rate your stress levels when facing a
change on a scale 1 to 5
Social Connectedness
 / 12 hours
How many hours per day do you spend
with your family/friends
Circadian Rhythm Alignment
 / 5 level
Rate on a scale 1 to 5 your issues with the
following: falling asleep, staying asleep,
waking up too early and not being able to
go back to sleep, getting sleep but not
feeling refreshed by it
Personal Values and Beliefs
 / 5 level
Rate on a scale 1 to 5 how clear is your
“why” in life
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